Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Hatsumi Sensei and the Kuji
In this section of his book, Hatsumi sensei refers to some techniques of Henso Taijutsu from the shichiho sanpo forms, using an array of ninja tools. "These include kyojitsu issen, blinding powder, the element of surprise, restraint from taking a life, chanting the kuji (nine-word prayer) ‘Gakoraitosha, akumafudo’ to render the enemy unable to move, or chanting the kuji ‘Goshin tsuriki teki taisan shometsu’ to send the enemy fleeing. Here, I open both my eyes and observe spirits finding their way home during the week of the autumnal equinox at the River Styx – I have the eyes of a dragon. That is the reason why I have the name Venerable White Dragon. Uttering the words ‘Goshin chinkon teki reibaku eimin’ (prayer for the deceased) and possessing the ninja’s dream, I enter Nirvana!”
Any thoughts or insights on the mysterious references to these kuji prayers?
Please respond via the comment function.
Domo arigato!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Facebook Page Devoted to the Kuji-In
Today's post: I just discovered there's a Facebook page devoted to the Kuji-In; it can be found here:
It doesn't seem to be active, but maybe we can change that.
Of course, I did announce to the small membership of that page the existence of this humble blog, so I'm thinking it would be cool if we could somehow stimulate a bit of dialogue. As I told the folks there, as far as I am concerned, the more serious involvement there is in this precious practice, the better.
Well, we'll see. I'm just thankful these teachings are available and I look forward to continued practice.
Devotedly yours,
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Revised Dates Posted for Kuji no In DVDs Due From Anshu Stephen K. Hayes
We've just detected there has been a change in the scheduled release of two Kuji-In DVDs to be released from martial arts legend Anshu Stephen K. Hayes, the "first American ninja."
As we have previously reported, Anshu Hayes is poised to re-introduce his monthly private-lesson DVD study program, and the first six lessons include two on the Kuji no In, otherwise known, of course, as the Kuji-In.
The May installment was originally scheduled to feature "Kuji no In Overview Part 1," with a follow-up part 2 slated for the June edition. However, that's been backed up a month. The first Kuji DVD will come out in June now, according to Mr. Hayes' Web site, while the follow-up is slated for release in July.
And as previously noted in our original posting, subscribers to the monthly program will still get their DVDs in a more timely manner at a reduced price point per DVD than those that wait to buy individual DVDs separately.
But if you just want the two Kuji DVDs, perhaps the smartest approach to take is to join the subscription program right before June or on June 1, then quit after you receive the July DVD. That way you get them both right away, and at a price that's about $5 off the regular price point.
However, I don't know if there is a minimum number of months for the subscription, and if I can find out, I'll provide an update.
Check out this page on his Stephen K. Hayes Quest Web site for more information on his private-lesson DVD program.
Anshu Hayes has previously released for public consumption a DVD you might be interested in, "Kuji 6: Thought Projection," which can also be purchased online at his Web site.
In the meantime, as the great teacher of myth, Joseph Campbell often said, "follow your bliss."
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Happy Hanamatsuri!

The included photo shows a Japanese Buddhist temple bell.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Kuji-In: Putting Me at the Center of the Universe
Now that I’m into the ZAI aspect of the Kuji-In practice, I’m increasingly aware of a fascinating phenomenon. I notice now when I put my head down to sleep and close my eyes, my mind enters such an expansive space, as if I’m far above the Earth, space and time – at times, as if the entire Universe itself is flowing out from me and through me into all directions.
It’s such a calming and yet elevating state of mind to be in and in which to enter sleep.
Does this mean that each and every one of us is actually… a chakra of God? Only we haven't awakened to this yet?
Not a sermon. Just a thought…
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Another Kuji-In Web Resource Found
This afternoon, I found another Kuji-In resource online, so I thought I'd announce it here and post a link to it in the column to the right. The Kosmix Web site -- which I had not heard of before -- has a section on the Kuji-In, and includes some listings for products that can be purchased, along with some various media resources that are available.
Just one more site you can periodically check to see what's going on and what you might be able to tap in your journey...
You can get there by clicking here.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Kuji-In: Personal Projects Update
As I do this, I have added the "cutting of the grid," cutting the Kuji-Kiri, to my daily practice. Now that I've been able to have someone skilled in the art show me how to begin doing this, I certainly don't want to lose any momentum; I want to build on it and take it to another level.
After I finish with my initial exploration of ZEN, I will move onto the Five Elements practice: Void, Wind, Water, Fire and Earth. And from there, I plan on empowering various symbols that I will then incorporate into my grid-cutting.
Somewhere along the way, I want to empower my mala, with a) the nine aspects and b) the five elements. Once I get through all of this -- this initial level of exploration -- my plan is to return to the nine aspects and the five elements with a higher level of empowerment.
Of course, I plan to continue cutting the grid all the while.
My second project is to come up with some explicit personal practice-rituals, perhaps involving some gathas and chanting and prayers. I've already begun this somewhat, but have yet to really kind of cement it or formalize it in a systematic way. I have three English translations of at least two Japanese Kuji manuals (I believe from the Ninpo Mykkyo Shugendo tradition), and I plan to incorporate some of their elements with some of the tpes of practices I've gained via my years of Zen experience.
Initially, I hope to develop a daily iteration of rituals, for use from Sunday through Friday, as well as a separate, more elaborate form, a "weekly service" type of thing, for use on Saturday. (I'm usually in the dojo on Sunday morning, so I don't usually make an extra hour available Sunday morning for a full-fledged Kuji service. But Saturday is my "free day" schedule-wise, and I can easily set aside a good hour or so for a more in-depth plunge into the Kuji waters.)
My third project involves the creation of a comprehensive Kuji practice manual, mostly just as a good learning aid for my own practice. If others would be interested, we could discuss sharing certain aspects of it. As a journalist by profession, I certainly want to make sure I respect the copyrights of authors whose work on the subject I have come across and otherwise gained access to, and which continue to guide and inspire me in my pursuit. Perhaps a good compromise would be for me to share a limited bibliography of recommended readings.
Well, as you can imagine, that's plenty to keep me busy, considering I have a demanding work load that regularly has me working at home some nights/weekends, along with my dojo training three times a week -- and my desire to start getting into regular yoga practice.
Hey, Bodhidharma is reputed to have said, "Life and death are important. Do not suffer them in vain." I intend not to.
Or as Sam Elliott's character in the movie Road House said, I'll have plenty of time to sleep when I'm dead. ;-)
As always, readers of the Kuji Blog are invited to share their comments.
Until the next time,
May all beings be blessed.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Prerequisites to the Practice of Kuji-In, Kuji-Kiri
A newcomer can jump right on in, and is warmly invited to do so. However, such a one will likely be at somewhat of a loss without some serious remedial attention to get up to speed. As Buddhist teacher Francois Lepine has noted, this is a practice that is easy to start, yet takes years to master.
So, in an attempt to help prospective Kuji practitioners, I include below a list of the prerequisites I believe are necessary for someone to really begin to make the most of this precious practice:
Required Basics:
* Substantial experience in seated meditation: proper sitting posture, proper breathing, proper focus.
* Experience in meditative chanting.
Recommended Additions:
* Experience in energy cultivation, such as Chi-Kung/Qi-Gong.
* Experience in Yoga.
* Experience in Tai Chi.
* Have a working knowledge of the basics of psychology.
You'll be Ahead of the Curve If You:
* Have an understanding of the theory of meditation, especially Buddhist meditation.
* Have the theoretical underpinnings of the Kuji (as per Francois Lepine, Stephen K. Hayes, etc.).
* Participated in a Zen sesshin (intensive, week-long meditation retreat).
* Have practiced yoga.
* Have practiced some yogic breathing.
* Have practiced some yogic meditation, especially that relating to the kundalini.
* Have had some experience in psychotherapy.
* Have some capability drawing or painting Japanese kanji characters (for use in the Kuji-Kiri practice).
* Have experience in iaido or tameshigiri (Japanese sword-drawing, sword-cutting movement; also for use in Kuji-Kiri).
You're Well On the Way to Mastery If You:
* have had some degree of kensho, or realization (enlightenment).
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Initiated Into the Kuji-In, Kuji-Kiri!
You know the expression, “when the student is ready, the teacher will appear”?
Well, that definitely appears to be the case for me and the Kuji-In and the Kuji-Kiri this past year. With all the teachings and the manuals and the rare document translations that have come my way in just the last six months – with more on the way, as previous posts note – this maxim is coming true in my own spiritual practice.
The most recent positive development in this regard was my weekend (March 7-8) spent in the Northwest Chicago suburb of Naperville, where I was finally able to gain some group practice time as well as some hands-on initiation into the Kuji with Do-shu Thomas Jotoshi Maienza, the head of the Jizaikan organization and a former associate of To-Shin Do Anshu Stephen K. Hayes, the latter being regarded by many as perhaps the most authoritative source in the Western world on the subject of Kuji-In and Kuji-Kiri.
I don’t have the time to get into much detail right now, so keep checking back over the next few days if you will, please. But in the meantime, here are some of the initial key take-aways for me:
- this seminar validated everything I have seen so far from the venerable Francois Lepine, and other sources I’ve referred to in previous posts;
- I got to see and put into group practice, how to arrange one’s practice to facilitate the Kuji-In, and how to cut the Kuji-Kiri grid.
And let me throw this in quickly, if I may: since I’ve returned from the seminar and resumed my own practice in the privacy of my own home and my own little Buddhist alcove, I have noticed a significant boost in the power and intensity of my own practice of the Kuji.
Look for a lot more in some forthcoming posts, one of which will include a warning on the potentially dire karmic consequences one might unleash if practicing the Kuji with an impure motive.
The bottom line? If you are looking to evolve as a human being in ways to facilitate greater and more frequent demonstrations of compassion, you’re good to go. But if you think you’re going to practice this technology to manipulate, exploit or otherwise “get over” on someone else, you risk getting your ass kicked by the Universe. And if you think you’re going to use the Kuji to actually harm someone else, let me know, because I want to get the hell out of your time zone. I want to be nowhere near you, because a great cosmic and karmic boom is about to be leveled upon you.
So, purify your heart by embracing compassion as the motivation for this practice, or stop.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Preparations Made for Chicago Kuji-In Seminar!
The Warrior's Edge martial arts school, in Naperville, IL, a northwest suburb of Chicago, plans a Kuji Mind Science Workshop on March 7-8 with Do-shu Thomas Jotoshi Maienza. The Warrior's Edge is affiliated with the Jizaikan school of ninjutsu. More information can be found at the dojo's Web site:
Mr. Maienza, the head of the Jizaikan organization, which teaches a form of aiki ninjutsu, is a former associate of To-Shin Do Anshu Stephen K. Hayes, regarded by many as perhaps the most authoritative source in the Western world on the subject of Kuji-In and Kuji-Kiri.
I'm scheduled to take a relaxing ride to Chicago via Amtrak so that I can a) maximize my chances of getting to my destination without interference from the weather, and b) relax and review all of my Kuji study materials on the way to and from.
I will, of course, be paying very close to attention to all the materials and every aspect of the instruction, and looking to compare, contrast and otherwise incorporate it all into the material I have received from Buddhist teacher Francois Lepine and other well-informed, confidential sources.
Check back for an update and for my review on the seminar and how it relates to the other teaching sources. I have yet to decide if I'll take my laptop on the train to Chicago. If I do decide to take it, I'll provide some details here as soon as possible.
Stay tuned!
May the sacred Five Elements of the Universe, all Dharma protectors in the three dimensions, and the vast great Divine Mystery that underlies them all, open the way for my participation in this event, and may their blessing be upon all participants.
So be it for the benefit of all sentient beings.
In the name of the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Kuji Goshin Ho Translation In The House!
The booklet includes drawings of all relevant finger-weaving mudra as well as the mantra of course, along with instructions for the "cutting" of the Kuji grid.
In addition, there are some related rituals, including an early rising ritual with an accompanying prayer.
The booklet drawings and the translation track very closely with another rare manuscript I obtained recently from another source, and includes a few details absent from that document.
Man! I'm psyched! Coming up, I've got a Kuji-In seminar to attend in the Chicago area next month, and then Stephen Hayes is scheduled to release a pair of Kuji-In DVDs (see previous post).
I am increasingly the beneficiary of unseen hands and will do everything in my power to be faithful to the teachings so that they may be extended and passed on to those selected to receive them.
May the Five Elements of the Universe and all Dharma Protectors in the three dimensions be praised! Homage to the sacred Kuji masters for sharing their secrets with me!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Kuji no In DVDs Soon to be Available From Anshu Stephen K. Hayes
The May installment is scheduled to feature "Kuji no In Overview Part 1," with a follow-up part 2 slated for the June edition.
Subscribers to the monthly program will get their DVDs in a more timely manner at a reduced price point per DVD than those that wait to buy individual DVDs separately.
But if you just want the two Kuji DVDs, perhaps the smartest approach to take is to join the subscription program right before May or on May 1, then quit after you receive the June DVD. That way you get them both right away, at a price that's about $5 off the regular price point.
However, I don't know if there is a minimum number of months for the subscription, and if I can find out, I'll provide an update.
Check out this page on his Stephen K. Hayes Quest Web site for more information on his private-lesson DVD program.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Another Kuji-In Benefit: Increased Martial Arts Sensitivity
During our sword training exercises, I had two clear and distinct moments where I could discern a notable improvement in my sensitivity to some of the energies involved. In both instances, right before the shift in my awareness, the instructor made a brief comment.
In the first instance, he discussed and illustrated the proper grip to use in holding the bokken or bokuto (the wooden practice sword), and as soon as I replicated the grip, the bokken suddenly seemed like just another extension of my body; more particularly, like an extension of my own body’s skeletal system. I was amazed.
In the second instance, the instructor provided a bit of insight about initiating the proper movement of the sword, suggesting (for the purposes of this particular exercise) to swing the sword in a manner almost like casting a fishing line. As soon as I executed this, I could immediately sense the energy of the bokken itself as it moved through the air. I quickly pointed this out to the rest of the class.
I realized I had put my upper body out a little too forward, thus relying too much on my upper body movement and that of my arms to execute the swing. But once I was shown the error of my way and properly executed the “fishing line throw” while keeping my body out of the way, I could feel the true energy of the bokken and the technique itself rise and present itself to me.
I’m sure I would have never discerned any of this without my practice with the Kuji-In. Now, granted, it took some suggestions from my instructor to prompt the shift in perceptions, so the Kuji-In itself was not solely responsible for the altered awareness. But I have been corrected in my techniques many times before, and never with such a noticeable shift in my perceptions. Thus, another illustration of how practicing the two disciplines together can augment one another.
I offer this to you for whatever it’s worth.
Keep going, keep sitting, keep practicing, keep training.
-The Ninja Onmyoji
Sunday, January 11, 2009
A New Benefit Found From the Kuji-In: Better Relationships
Well, as you may remember, the third aspect of the nine-fold Kuji-In is the "TOH" aspect, which is said to cultivate harmony.
I've discovered that one of the side effects of these two aspects working together is to improve my relationships with some of the people I'm close with. Nuts? Well, let me explain, or at least illustrate.
I'm increasingly finding that a few of my closest "peeps"and I are sharing thought; that is to say, I may say something that someone close to me is thinking, or vice versa. Now, every body has that kind of thing happen; not a big deal, right?
But the frequency of this phenomenon is noticeably increasing in my own day to day life. And the effect this has is to deepen the sense of connection that I have with these individuals -- we're obviously so literally on the same wave length -- and it fosters this sense of "TOH" harmony with those around me.
I found this happening repeatedly throughout the day today, and on more than one occasion, so much so that it seemed like it was nearly instantaneous.
And I'll also note, in my martial art training, we have periodically worked on various energy drills (energy sharing, energy sensing, energy projection) where you consciously, deliberately, premeditatedly set out to communicate a very specific message, image, sense, etc., to another individual.
And this recent phenomenon is not that. Not ANY of that. No conscious effort on my part to communicate telephatically with someone; not trying to read someone's mind or pick up someone's thoughts; not trying to "send a message." It's just happening.
I was surprised at this unexpected development. Of course, these people are close to me, so I don't have any resistance to getting even closer with them, and I think that has something to do with the efficiacy of this result. The unity and harmony of my inner being, and the openness of my mind to this result, even though it was consciously unintended, has had a lot to do with this coming to pass, I suspect.
This in turn raises a key point when it comes to the Kuji-In, saiminjutsu, and perhaps other forms of visualzation: the more agreement there is within you for a given outcome, the greater the effectiveness of the practice and the higher the likelihood of success or accomplishment.
I hope I'm making sense. For instance, you might think you want to lose weight, and you might practice a given mantra/mudra/mandala (mental image/visualization) to help accomplish this. But if you don't want to cut back on your meal portions or change the content of your diet, and you don't want to work out, you're not giving your visualization anything to work with.
Or maybe you don't want to spend the money to buy new, smaller clothes. Something as simple as this creates resistance that slows, diminishes or perhaps even blocks you from accomplishing what you think or say or believe is a goal of yours. (This might be particularly relevant in our culture here in the U.S. where so many people still like to set New Year's resolutions.)
You might think you want something; to accomplish a particular goal. But do you? Think through things deeply and clearly. Have you considered all of the implications? Are you committed to making the requisite changes -- and dare I say, even sacrifices -- to have what it is you say or you think you really want?
The Kuji-In process helps you align all of the internal parts of your self regarding this; not necessarily on a conscious level; more on an energetic level. But the more light you can shed within your own mind, the more awareness you bring to an issue, the more clarity you will find. Then you can consciously eliminate some of the hindrances to the success you claim you are seeking.
In other words, you can consciously evolve.
I humbly suggest this be considered.
Devotedly yours,
-The Ninja Onmyoji
Friday, January 9, 2009
New Seminars and Study Materials!
Time for an update on my practice. This week, I'm wrapping up my initial exploration of the sixth aspect of the Kuji-In, "JIN," which is said to stimulate telepathic communication and the ability to know the thoughts of others.
Up next: "RETSU," which refers to the ability to influence or control time and space, as far the ninjutsu interpretation is concerned.
I have plans to eventually post photos of the various mudras (hand postures) to illustrate the precise "finger knitting" that is associated with each of the nine aspects, along with far more detailed info. Time is so often an issue these days. I trust the readers of The Kuji Blog will understand.
In the meantime, this week saw some outstanding developments come my way. First, I learned of two Kuji-In seminars scheduled in the near future. The venerable Francois Lepine has announced some initial plans for a seminar in the Allentown, PA, area, in the eastern part of the state, on Feb. 20-21. More information will be posted here once it becomes available.
I believe he also has one in El Paso, TX, Jan. 16-18. I'm not planning on attending that one, but if anyone else does go, we invite you to share some of your thoughts and experiences with us here.
Also, The Warrior's Edge martial arts school, in Naperville, IL, a northwest suburb of Chicago, plans a Kuji Mind Science Workshop on March 7-8 with Do-shu Thomas Jotoshi Maienza. The Warrior's Edge is affiliated with the Jizaikan form of ninjutsu. More information can be found at the dojo's Web site:
I'm consulting my schedule to see which seminar I will attend. I also have a key martial arts seminar to attend in early February; that may have an effect on which Kuji event I'll end up going to.
I also obtained on the very same day this week three hard-to-find documents that relate to Kuji-In and Kuji-Kiri. However, since I've been sworn to relative secrecy regarding them, in true ninja fashion, I won't be able to share more details. The good news is this material will help inform my practice going forward and in the preparation of my own training materials. And that will likely result in some improved content here.
Do stay tuned.
-The Ninja Onmyoji-
Monday, January 5, 2009
A Kuji Links Section Has Been Added
I just added a small section to The Kuji Blog (in the column at the right, towards the middle of the column) that is devoted to other useful Web sites with at least some Kuji-related content.
More will be added as content warrants and as time (and karma!) permit.
In the meantime, keep going! Keep sitting! Keep practicing! Keep realizing!
-The Ninja Onmyoji
Thursday, January 1, 2009
New Web Site Promoting Kuji-In
It also features links for related media such as books, videos and audios, as well as some helfpul other Web resources online.
Check it out when you have a chance, and tell them the Ninja Onmyoji sent you.
In the interests of full and fair disclosure, I must point out that, even though they have a brand new Web site, they've gone ahead and posted a link to this humble little blog. Cool. However, I was planning on announcing their site prior to finding out they had a link to The Kuji Blog, just the same.
Anyway, I recommend anyone with an interest in the Kuji-In technology check it out. It looks like it will be a good repository for a diverse collection of Kuji-related content.
As far as our own little blog here goes, I'll be posting some fresh content in the next few days, I hope. I'm about to begin preparing a comprehensive training manual, strictly for my own guidance, at this point, made up of all the content I can conceivably find on the Kuji practice. I expect to include a good bit of original content as I go along, so be sure to check back here regularly for some tidbits and hopefully some provocative or inspiring material to help you in your knowledge and practice.
Until then... keep going, keep sitting, and keep realizing all the wonderful truths there are that reside within you...
-The Ninja Onmyoji-